Not only is Corey Beck a household name in the world of basketball, but he is also a third-generation painter. The trade was passed down from his grandfather in Memphis, TN. Known for being a hard worker on and off the court, he took the skills he learned from sports and his family and applied them to his own business. If he wasn’t playing basketball he was always working. Corey has been back in the NWA area for 11 years now, and he continues to give back to his community. He is passionate about his work and loves bringing his clients’ visions to life. See the difference for yourself with Corey Beck Painting.
Owner & Founder
Residential Painting
Custom interior/exterior painting, pressure washing, concrete cleaning, and window cleaning are all part of our residential painting services. Before a project is considered complete, we ensure that any areas that our team paints in are completely cleaned. Our top priority is to provide excellent customer service!
Commercial Painting
Our commercial painting services include custom interior/exterior painting, office building painting, furniture refreshes, and more. Our pricing is what sets us apart from other commercial painters. Just because you own a business, you should not be charged an arm and a leg for quality service. When your project is finished, we make sure that both you AND your wallet are happy.
Do you provide color consultations?No, but we do recommend our clients a paint app from Sherwin-Williams, our trusted paint partner.
What brand/type of paint do you use?We exclusively use SuperPaint from Sherwin-Willams. This paint comes with a primer and gives you a longer warranty (7-8 years on average) compared to standard paint.
How long is the turnaround time for a project?Each project is unique in material and scope, so project timelines are specific to each job.
Will Corey be on the job site?Corey is the project manager overseeing all jobs, so while he does make an effort to visit as many jobs as he can, he is unable to be there for the entirety of each project.